I have been a cave women since april. My pc was spoilt and currently the borrowed laptop that I am using has no proper network connection. Thats why I cant hv access to the net let alone blogging. :'( I have got so many 感触since the day I finish my exams to my fyp presentation to my finally graduation. But now I have found the solution to my network problem. wireless router!!! Din know the existence of router until I went to do a temp job to sell router at suntec IT fair. *blushed. Imagine a com idiot trying to sell wireless router who doesnt even know the basic things like ***( I shall not disclosed here to save some face for myself!) and asking dumb qns with no idea what myself is talking. That was one customer who walked over to my booth and said," Hi, I am actually a com idiot, I need your help in choosing a suitable router." In my heart, I was saying " I am more c0m idiot than you lor..." I think I really learn a great deal from this IT fair. I take things too granted.
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