<< HAppy Birthday>>
HaPPy 22nd BiRthdAy to myself!!
MAy all my wishes will COME TRUE!!
3 more years I will be 25 years old.
OH NO... :(
Thanks frens for all the bdae clelebration.
This year bdae kinda special and meaningful to me.
I dun wan any presents for my bdae.
Coz I have everything I want except for the non-material.
Birthday is a best time for gathering.
Becos of Tiff bdae, I get to meet up with A-mei whom I hv not seen long time ago.
Becos of my bdae, I get to meet up with my gazeboo dearies coz we hv not been meeting up every fri recently. Everyone of us is busy.
And not forgetting my group of 'pig, chicken, mud' frens for the surprise.
We used to hang out for ice cream every week but not now anymore due to my busy schedule.
And today I just had a wonderful dinner with my family.
I have not seen my dad for quite some time since he has working until very late.
And I miss my mum!! Thanks for helping me alot with my style business.
This birthday serves as a remainder to me not to neglect my parents. I hope its not too late.
Birthday is more than just cake and presents and getting one year older.
Its the best time for gathering.
Its the time to really cast aside your work and enjoy the precious moment of the company of good frens and family time.
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